> Student
> Computer Enthusiast
> Programmer
> All for fun
OS/Kernel: Gentoo GNU/Linux
Shell: bash
WM: dwm
Terminal: st
Text Editor: Emacs
Browser: Librewolf
Version control: git, github
All my config file are at Github
A modern computer has immense computing power which the normie user never understands, a computer can do anthing and not only basic office tasks or gaming. Windows however does not let you control your own machine and your own operating system that you yourself installed. With GNU/Linux the possiblities are endless, one if capable can also modify the Linux kernel as they like, there is a reason why so many flavours/distrubutions are available of GNU/Linux.
I use a really shitty 14 year old laptop which for me is enough people today buy really expensive and powerful laptops to play games not realizing how much power the device has. I have a (DELL Insipiron 3542) it has i3-4030U and 4gigs of RAM which is so shitty but still usable.